
Iowa Gun Owners Town Gun Bans
When ‘Shall Issue’ legislation took effect in Iowa in 2011, after Iowa Gun Owners passed it the year earlier as a byproduct of our efforts to pass Constitutional Carry, localities ...

Iowa Gun Owners Stand Your Ground Law
Stand-Your-Ground law passed in Iowa in 2017. But as gun owners in Iowa know, this was merely the capstone of a 6 year battle that kicked off in 2012, when ...

Iowa Gun Owners Shall Issue
Iowa Gun Owners was established by Aaron Dorr in 2009, in response to the state’s abusive ‘May Issue’ concealed carry laws, which allowed county sheriffs to deny law abiding citizens ...

Iowa Gun Owners 2016 Elections
Since 2010, Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal and Iowa Senate Democrats held back Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground legislation as state after state enacted this crucial legislation. With a growing number ...

Iowa Gun Owners 2010 Elections
With the NRA and their instate lackeys at the Iowa Firearms Coalition (then known as Iowa Carry) giving A+ ratings and campaign money to notorious gun grabbers like Senate Majority ...